CASP Executive Officers
Karla Vazquez, President: In addition to her role as CASP President, Karla Vazquez is also the chair for the Legislative Committee and the School Psychology Action Network [SPAN] contact for NASP. In the past she also supported the organization as the CEU/CPD coordinator. She began in education as a special education teacher, and started her school psychology career in the Bridgeport Public Schools. She is in the Darien Public Schools as the full time school psychologist with the Early Learning Program [preschool]. She is extremely honored and humbled to serve as the president of CASP and to see where the organization goes. She is always open to suggestions or proposals, so please feel free to contact her.
Erika Johnson, Vice President: Information coming soon
Ron Benner NCSP, Treasurer: Ron is a school psychologist in Bridgeport, CT. He is the CASP Treasurer and in last twenty years he has served for CASP as President, Vice-President, Job-Coordinator and Program Committee member. In the past he has been the NASP’s Treasurer, NASP Delegate, Chair of Interest Groups, and Coordinator of the “Computer Technology and Applications for School Psychologists” Interest Group. For the CT Department of Education he has been on the teams to revise the Guidelines for ED, SLD and most recently to work on the PEAC subcommittee, SEED, for the new evaluation of related service providers.
Steven Mendelssohn, Secretary: Steve is a school psychologist for Eliot Middle School in Clinton, CT. He completed his graduate training at Fairfield University. Prior to working in Clinton, Steve worked with adolescents with significant mental health concerns at St. Vincent’s Behavioral Health Services. His research interests include development of resiliency factors in at-risk youth, improvement of executive functioning systems in children and adolescents, as well as bullying prevention and intervention at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. He also has worked collaboratively with various school districts to aid in the creation of Scientifically Research Based Intervention (SRBI) programs for both academic and behavior. He is excited to join CASP and begin to support school psychology as a profession at a systemic level.
Tom Brant, Immediate Past President: Tom is a School Psychologist at Newtown High School in Sandy Hook, CT. Tom has been actively involved in CASP through supporting Membership, Programs, and Legislation. Most recently Tom submitted testimony on behalf of CASP to the Connecticut legislation regarding school based mental health supports. Tom is a proud graduate of the School Psychology program at Fairfield University where he earned a Masters and Sixth Year degree. When not working you can find Tom coaching either soccer or track and field after school.
Fran Aponte, NASP Delegate : Frances (Fran) Aponte, Past President of the Connecticut Association of School Psychologists, is a Certified School Psychologist and works for the Bridgeport Public Schools. Fran holds her Certificate of Advanced Studies and Certification in School Psychology from Fairfield University. She also received her Master’s in Art Degree in Applied Psychology-Human Services from Fairfield University. Prior to becoming a School Psychologist, Fran was the Ombudsman for Special Education for the Bridgeport Public Schools.
Fran began her involvement with the Connecticut Association of School Psychologist as a graduate student and joined the Professional Development Programs Committee as a committee member. She soon became Co-Chair of the committee for several years. Fran has also served as Vice-President and Secretary.
Fran was an Adjunct Instructor at Sacred Heart University for the undergraduate program in Psychology Department. She taught Adolescent Development to future teachers and school psychologists.