NASP Continuing Professional Development Opportunities

PREPaRE, a NASP School Safety and Crisis Preparedness training, is offered at SCSU. The trainings will take place on April 1 (PREPaRE I) and April 29 & 30 (PREPaRE II) from 8:30-4:30. The training is open to all educational professionals and graduate students. Please feel free to share this information with your colleagues and administrators in your schools. Reserve your spot soon; seats are limited.
To reserve your spot, please contact Kari Sassu at: |
Save the Date:
CASP Spring Conference featuring Todd Savage, PhD, NASP President Friday, May 27th, 2016 Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut More information coming soon |
PREPaRE provides school-based mental health professionals and other educational professionals training on how to best fill the roles and responsibilities generated by their participation on school safety and crisis teams. PREPaRE is one of the first comprehensive nationally available training curriculums developed by school-based professionals with firsthand experience and formal training. The curriculum is based on the assumptions that:
• the skill sets of school-based professionals are best utilized when they are embedded within a multidisciplinary team that engages in crisis prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery; • school crisis management is relatively unique and as such requires its own conceptual model; and • by virtue of their professional training and job functions, school-based mental health professionals are best prepared to address the psychological issues associated with school crises. For more information see: |